Sunday, August 24, 2014

Outfit for 8/24/14 - Guess Shoes

Sweater - 89th & Madison
Top - Charlotte Russe 
Skirt - American Apparel
Shoes - Guess
Purse - Coach

I found these shoes a couple of weeks ago while Shopping at TJMaxx.  They are fairly impractical, but I thought that maybe I'd be able to actually walk in them, and at only 40 bucks I decided to get them.  Then came the fun part, what to pair them with?

Jules and I had planned to go to Vegas to provide some care for my dad and I knew I would take some time for myself and these shoes were SO coming with me.  Jules and I worked together to come up with the outfit above.  I chose what I did as the clothes were a bit more subdued which allowed my shoes to get more attention.

So, were they actually walk-able?  The answer? Partially.  I wore them to dinner inside our hotel.  I had to walk down the long hall to the elevator, stand in the elevator for a bit, and then walk down another long hall, and across the casino.  I made it to dinner, but the tootsies were a bit pained.  Dinner gave a respite, but after we finished we went back to our room so I could change them before we went and gambled a bit.

In the end I was able to wear them, no blisters, and my feet were undamaged.

Nothing else.

Love you!!

Love Yourself!!


  1. Looking cute as always, girl! :c)

    == Cass

  2. I do love the indoor pics, as you have the friendliest eyes. Love the outfit, well done!

    1. Oh Leslie, you are so sweet!

      It is good to hear from you. I hope you are doing well!

  3. You are not only a really beautiful woman, you are also a fantastic and elegant lady, Nadine, a role model for all women who like fashion. It would be hard for them to imitate you successfully. Incredible!

    Love you

    I hope you still read this comment!

    1. Thank you Feli!

      Yes I read all comments. Maybe not in a timely manner. But I still read them!

      Thanks for your kind words!
