Sunday, September 13, 2015

Another Totally Normal Day

My previous post on my trip back east had me leaving Kenosha Wisconsin and heading up towards the middle of the state.  On my trip up there I was meeting some old family friends as well as visiting my mother's grave, who died twenty years ago.  I chose to present as male on this day.

It was the next morning, waking up in Wausau WI, that I chose to present as female and find out for myself just how frightening the folk were going to be.  Unfortunately I did not happen to get any pictures of myself that morning.  But I wasn't wearing anything all that fabulous.  It was my Zig-Zag sweater from WHBM, and my black pencil skirt from American Apparel.

The only thing on the agenda for Jules and I was to get to Chicago.  We hopped into the rental and headed off.  This time going down the central part of the state.  We stopped several times along the way, doing such exciting and thrilling things as getting gas, and breakfast, and snacks.  The one cool thing was stopping at Mullen's Cheese.  I really love cheese and thoroughly enjoyed spending some time browsing and selecting some very tasty cheeses.  It was the first time trying cheese curds, and Mullen's curds are yummy!

And guess what????  Can you imagine??  Every single person I encountered throughout my entire time in Wisconsin were just as nice as all the rest of the people I have ever encountered.  Hmmm.... Go figure!  We very much enjoyed our time there and were sad to have such little time to explore.  By that evening we were back to Chicago and checking into another hotel, which is where the picture above was taken.

I knew that everything would be fine.

But often one just needs to experience it and actually physically discover that everything really was just fine.

I often think that some allow their fears about what might happen prevent them from being able to discover what actually does happen.

Love you.

Love yourself.

Experience more reality and less thoughts.


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