Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cross Dresser with a Shotgun

The other day I was feeling a bit frisky and like I needed to get out and try something different.  I recently bought an automatic trap thrower and thought, hmm... I have never been trap shooting while cross dressed, so what the heck!  Let's go shooting!

I loaded up the truck and off we went.  Lucky for us we can go shooting in a field that is about 5-10 minutes from our house.  We just pull up, unload, setup, and start shooting.  It is quite fun.  It is also something that I never thought I would be doing about ten years ago.  And I certainly never thought that I would be doing it while cross dressed.

It was not all that different from shooting while dressed as a guy.  Except for a few different areas.

1 - Boobs.  Boobs actually made my shooting better.  In order to shoot well you first need to mount the gun to your shoulder well.  Having boobs made me bring the gun out further, and mount it to my shoulder better.  This made my shooting more accurate.

2 - Hair.  Hair is super hot.  Gosh how I love my regular guy buzz cut.  So much cooler.

3 - Bra straps.  My straps and my tank lace totally bruised up my shoulder.

So that is about that.  Would I do it again.  Possibly.  It was not the best, nor the worst.  It was just different.  I did enjoy pushing myself to get out and do something new and different.

Oh and yeah, I found a hat that actually fits my head while I am wearing a wig.  Fun!

Oh and yeah what an inflammatory title.  I suppose I was just going for the shock value of it.  :)

Love you!  Love yourself!

Get out, try something new.

Explore your world!



  1. The title made me laugh! And good for you for trying something new, sweetie - definitely love your advice too! :D


    P.S. You look cute too!

    1. Thanks Cass. I am happy I was able to make you laugh. I was hoping that was how my title would be perceived. :)

    2. No doubt April is currently writing a rockabilly song using that very title!

      == Cass

  2. A camo shotgun and bright colored sneakers, gotta love it! :) Great advise as always. I've been thinking lately that I keep doing similar makeup with similar colors, and since I love makeup, I really need to brush up my skills and try some new things. It's the best way to keep progressing.

    1. Thanks Katie. Oh goodness me, yes, makeup colors! I so want to branch out more and expand my color palette, but I tend to stick to the same tones. Ahhh... another new thing I need to jump on!

      Thanks girl!

  3. I like how you could mix up your dressing with manly adventures.I'm a heavy equipment operator and would like to take some pics of myself on the dozer while dressed. Keep up the great blogs. Thanks T.

    1. Thanks T. Yeah I really like to get out and just experience my normal life while drsssed. For too long I just made it be this time where that was all I did. It was like a mini vacation and it made me start to romanticize dressing up as a girl. By allowing myself to more freely explore my world regardless of how I am dressed has helped me to see that sometime I really prefer to be dressed as a guy. Shooting was fun while dressed, but it is so much easier when not!

      Thanks again for writing, :)
