Saturday, August 5, 2017

Winging It

I don't have a plan, I'm just sort of winging this thing.  People ask me if I am transitioning or not.  One of the most recent inquiries of this nature was from a good friend.  She asked me if I am going to transition as I was sitting in the lounge chair next to her wearing a bikini with breasts on.  I kind of had to laugh.  I mean, transition from what?  Haven't I already started some sort of transition?  Am I really the same guy she had met 20 years ago?

Well it is the question du jour as of late.  Generally the answer goes - You know I wish that I could predict the future but I can't.  Do I have any current plans to start living full time as a woman?  No.  I have no plans to do so.  Can I see myself as doing that in the future?  No.  I can't see that happening.

But at the same time, ten years ago would I have predicted that today I would be on hormone therapy?  No.  I would not have predicted that.  Most likely, I would have said, no there is no way ever that I will ever take hormones.

It is not as if taking hormones has come totally out of left field and blindsided me.  Maybe it has for some of you, but that is solely due to me not updating my blog nearly as much as I would like to.  But no, I have been thinking about taking hormones for quite some time.  I have written about it here and there, but maybe not as much as I should have.  Ten years ago I would have said no to taking hormones but I would still have admitted to wanting a more feminine body.  I would have still admitted to wanting every single thing that hormones could possibly bring me, in terms of beneficial aspects.  That whole blood clotting thing I could do without!

So.... in ten years will I want to live full time as woman?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Right now I have no plans of doing so, but I can't really predict what I will want in the future.  Can you?  Can you for certain predict what exactly you will and wont desire ten years from now?  I know some things, but there is know way that I will know everything.  Ten years ago I would have also said that I wouldn't want a truck, but now I want an even bigger truck than what I have now!

I wish I could predict exactly what I will want ten years from now, that could make life pretty darn easy.  Wait, what I really want would be to know exactly what my wife wants ten years from now!  That would be really cool and make my life far easier!  Ha!  It would also probably result in her being pretty darn happy as well!

Love you!

Love yourself!

Photo Credit:


  1. I love the fact that you aren't demanding answers either. You are letting yourself, and life, evolve at their natural pace as you learn and grow into who you are. It's wonderful example!

    1. Thanks Julie. It is kind of weird as I would like to know! But alas, that is not how life actually works. I just met someone the other day who has had top and bottom surgery and then realized she still has no idea of who she is! Having definite dates and timelines does not magically solve anything!

      Thanks for saying that I'm a wonderful example! That is SO sweet! I love it! Seriously, thank you!
